SOP-3004 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Narcissism, Social Comparison Theory, Natural Selection

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12 Feb 2015

Document Summary

Generated from theories; never proven, only disproven; tested by correlational research/experimental research: test how one variable is associated with another variable. Consistency reliability does not mean accuracy but rather that it will consistently have the same outcome: inter-item: across items; the questions you ask to assess a construct should all yield. Self concept the same results: test-retest: across time; reliability the results will be the same at a different time, inter-rater: across raters; agreement of items between people. Focus on differences between societies: collectivist culture: more focus on external reasons for behavior and connection with, independent: more focus on internal reasons for behavior and being different from others others. Self knowledge, allows you to reflect on yourself, self esteem, and self deception: who we are is often related to other people: roles, group memberships, culture. : people learn about themselves from other people; not: the looking glass self always accurate due to politeness norm and feedback receptiveness.