[EXSC 1101] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 43 pages long Study Guide!

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7 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Superficial and deep fascia (connective tissue) including epimysium (surrounds whole muscle) perimysium (surrounds muscle fascicles) endomysium (separates muscle cells. Nerve, artery, and two veins: describe the components necessary for and the mechanism of the sliding filament model, describe how the action potential mediates muscle contraction. Nerve impulse inside (acetylcholine = neurotransmitter for muscles/motor nerves) Motor end plate= area that the end of the axon sits on top of that is receptive to the acetylcholine (on muscle) When acetylcholine binds it changes the electrochemical environment and starts an action potential on the membrane of the muscle (similar to the one on the nerve) Action potential spreads out over membrane of the muscle through the t tubules (still in the membrane) into vicinity of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Full of calcium in sarcoplasmic reticulum- calcium released and drifts down to myosin and troponin/tropomyosin and causes it to change its shape. Actin- has sites that want to bind with myosin heads from t tubules.