ANT 350 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hominidae, Pongidae, Punctuated Equilibrium

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Exam 1 study guide: know the traditional classification of the hominoidea as well as the new molecular- based classification as we discussed it in class. Know what animals are what in both schemes. Know the scientific name of all extant large-bodied hominoids. Pongo is included in the great apes taxonomically. Pongo put in a separate sub family. According to ernast mayr, paleontology is science that deals with the life of past geological periods. Understanding the nature of relationships within and among lineages. The role of comparative anatomy and molecular biology. You can use both on living populations to establish hypotheses of the past, but to actually test that using the fossil record. Exam 1 study guide: as a science, paleontology is hampered by both theoretical and practical limitations. Incomplete biological data of skeletal elements and what can be derived from them. Since paleontology is a history science, it is hard to reconstruct events that occurred in the past.