KNR 182 Study Guide - Final Guide: Trachea, Mastication, Bronchiole

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20 Aug 2014

Document Summary

Respiratory and non respiratory functions of the lungs. Non-respiratory: elimination of volatile substances, detoxification of the blood, synthesis of various types of molecules, endocrine functions, and immunology. Understand what is meant by each of the three components of respiration (ventilation, gas exchange, and oxygen utilization) Ventilation: physical movement of air in and out of the respiratory system. Gas exchange: internal and external-move of oxygen and carbon dioxide out of the lungs. Oxygen utilization: use of oxygen by the cells of the body. Muscle contraction and relaxation, rise and fall of the chest, increase and decrease in size of the thoracic cavity. Surface tension: draws liquid molecules together and reduces their contact with dissimilar gas molecules, resists any force that tends to increase surface area of the liquid. Inspiration = bringing of gas into the body. Static tests measure the volume and capacity of lungs, measurement of the amount of air in the lungs.