CJUS-P 290 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stanford Prison Experiment, Sexual Assault, Ethnography

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How do we know what we know: agreement reality. Collected personal info w/o consent (license plate #) Used license plate # to track down and interview men in their homes: stanley milgram. Subjects were told to administer an electric shock to another person each time they incorrectly answered a question & to incrementally raise the shock voltage: philip zimbardo. Withholding desirable treatments: paradoxes of consent. Generally does not require irb approval: process of applying for human subjects approval. Must pass a test on ethics: 3 levels of review. No greater than minimal risk to subjects. Must be consistent with ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Must include confidential protection of identifiable information. Example research on existing data (secondary) Only involve procedure listed in one or more of 7 categories. Harvard"s privacy meltdown: collection of data from harvard students without their consent.