BIOL-N - Biology BIOL-N 261 Midterm: Muscle Table

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Muscles of the vertrebral column (cid:862)i like paghetti(cid:863) Depresses mandible to open the mouth, elevates larynx. Elevates floor of mouth, elevates hyoid bone, depresses mandible. Together they flex the neck, alone they rotate the neck toward the shoulder and turn the face to the opposite side. The two sides act together to extend neck; either alone rotates and laterally flexes neck to the side (most medial) Postural muscles of the back and truck-long muscles. Two sides act together to extend neck; alone rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side. Elevates ribs and/or flexes neck; one side bends neck and rotates head and neck to opposite side. Compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes, laterally flexes, or rotates vertebral column to the opposite side. As above, but rotates vertebral column to same side. Depresses and protracts shoulder; rotates scapula down; elevates ribs if scapula is stationary. Adducts and performs downward rotation of the scapula (pulls shoulders back)