NUTR 485 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Trans Fat, School Breakfast Program, Food Bank

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Document Summary

Initiatives to reduce consumer food waste: ensure sound science and program evaluation for future evidence-based decision. Making: goal: strong science informs development of nutrition program content and high-quality, systematic evaluation provides guidance for structuring consumer education implementation and delivery systems. Affordable and safe foods: goal: domestic and international nutrition safety nets are protected and. Strengthened by streamlining administrative requirements for all nutrition. Assistance programs and coordinating healthful food production with nutrition. Incentives grants, which provide financial incentives for families to purchase healthful foods: support the food supply chain: producers and retailers that create a healthful and. Safe food system and reduces food waste: goal: support producers and retailers to meet demand for healthful foods. Funding and federal support for a variety of community-based and regional agriculture and food-access initiatives including: farmers. Market and local food promotion programs, senior and wic farmers. Market nutrition programs, community food projects and value-added.