BLAW 3201 : Blaw Test 2

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

First to arrive rule if rejection or acceptance arrives to offeror first. Person"s free will is impaired: physical: stronger than the other and force them to do something (stronger or use of weapon). Leads to a void contract: social/economic: voidable. Meadowbrook filed suit and said if you accept the judgment, we wont actually enforce it. Then find out berardi"s are trying to refinance one of the buildings so meadowbrook ran the judgment before they get to. Meadowbrook agrees to let refinance go thru if berardi agrees to pay them ,000 of the refinance. Ruled that economic duress was not a defense for the berardi"s: ken v. larry: their mom is dead, the four kids inherited her house. Brady is brought into it because he now owns the house. Larry is the half-brother and he shows up years down the road. Takes over and brainwashes mom to give him the house.