COMD 4590 : EXAM 3-Jumonville

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Families choice (educate family on all options) Professionals should have non-biased approach: 1) total communication, 2) auditory oral approach, 3) auditory verbal approach, 4) bilingual/bicultural approach, 5) cued speech. Spoken language and visual language (2 options to choose from) Asl (it is its own language) visual language. Speech is not a component of a visual language. Led to separate schools/classrooms and ei programs. Figure 1 on moodle (spoken and visual language continuum) have extremes on either side, and then options in between. No manual communication: emphasizes auditory skills (residual hearing, discourages use of relying on visual cues, huge parent involvement, a-v goals, spoken language acquired exclusively through the use of aided residual hearing. Integration of child into hearing community: consistent use of technology, not permitted to view lips or facial features (mouth covered with screen so they can"t view visual cues, to be a-v therapist need special certificate.