KIN 2500 : Beginning Of Exam 2

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Open- bone will stick out though the skin. Impacted- end of bone is driven into interior part of otherbone. Coles"- distal end of medial forearm to the lateral bone, Hematoma- bruise, sometimes comes along with broken bone stress fracture- Achondroplasia- do not form properly, delayed process in the repair of bone. Forms part or most of floor of cranial cavity. Zygomatic arch= made up of zygomatic process on the temporal bone + zygomatic bone has the temporal process. Petrous- houses our area for hearing and equilibrium. Forms most of posterior wall and floor of the cranial cavity. Ligamentum nuchae- ligament occipital protuberance and will run into the vertebrae c7. Greater wing- part of the lateral wall of the skull. Paragypoid processes- attachment from muscles to the mandible (jaw) Cella tursica- depression on superior part that contains the pituitary gland. Filter and warm the air as we breathe it.