SOCL 2001 : Study Guide Exam 2 Spring 2012

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Know how birth, death and infant mortality rates are measured crude birth rate measured by live births per 1000 ppl. Advanced industrial 4. postindustrial . (read over these in relation to mortality rate) Deviance know symbolic interaction on thi, edwin; deviance v. Sex vs gender sex is biological/ gender is learned. Pay gap reasons: e. g. choice of education ect. (this is for gender) Know how the four perspectives relate to each topic. She allows you to print on the back of this sheet. Study guide: exam 2, chapters 7-10,16 monday march 26th. Review videos watched in class (links can be found in note section of power points) Italicized = personal notes; grey highlights= was omitted from exam; blue highlights= covered in review. & on test; and this is study guide is tied into the other exam studyguide exam 2 i.