SOCL 2002 : Exam 3 Notes Part 2

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Ucrs show more of what police are doing rather than what criminals are doing: areas of high crime that police departments may focus on (efforts of police departments are concentrated in that area) Justice system treats different kinds of people differently: from who is targeted in police surveillance to how, the funneling process- only 10% of offenders wind up going to prison things are handled in court. Police have a certain amount of discretion (how to handle the situation) Prosecutors may go for a plea bargain: there must be discretion at every step in this process, minorities are more likely to have case handled formally. Traditional/fraternal model- the way most police departments used to operate and many still do today. Jr. high and high school students- some of the most deviant in society: doing surveys in schools, are slightly inaccurate judge of juvenile behavior because the truants and dropouts (the most likely to be delinquent) are not there.