[SOCL 3501] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (51 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Quantitative data (numbers, rates) is an objective way of doing research. Example: people who stay in college for a long time because they keep switching their major. The illegitimate opportunities will shape what kind of prostitute you will be. https://studysoup. com/note/2310441/lsu-socl-3501-week-2-fall-2016: agnew general strain theory. Swift: the smaller the time period is between doing something wrong and when you get punished for it, the more affective it is. Punishment needs to fit the crime, if it is too lenient, it won"t deter. If it is too severe, it won"t deter. This leads to vandalism, employee theft, drinking, drugs, spousal abuse. The intention part is very important in distinguishing suicides and accidents. Sadly, people do kill themselves accidently all the time these are not suicides. Positivist approach i. e. , looking at deaths that have been classified as suicides on death certificates. Methodological issues in looking at rates (estimates: they are not perfect measures because we won"t be able to capture every suicides.