SOCL 3601 : Test 1 Notes

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Internalizing what we learn from other people: vicarious learning watching other people and see what they do. Common stock of knowledge: knowledge of a society built up over time, william i. thomas. Internalization: person b has received and understood this information from person a, but now person b accepts this definition and lives it out now in their life, 3 pre-requisites for the 3-step process, language, cognitive abilities, social experience. Who do i want to be: charles horton cooley"s: the looking-glass. Iroquois= orenda : algonquin= manitou , when the europeans came across these definitions, they twisted these beliefs into the european-way of thinking. Tradition-directed these people tend to control in that society"s members: different modes produce different types of social. Internal means of control know everybody, everybody knows your business. Other-directed people these people try to show good of a consumer they are; they buy expensive things to show how rich and important they are: keeping up with the.