COM 225 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Helen Keller, Meta-Communication, Connotation

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15 Nov 2017

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20 questions over chapter 4: why is the story of helen keller important to this chapter? (pp. 79 80: hellen keller"s story is important because in this chapter we learn what happens to each of us when we use language, what is the difference between a digital and an analogic code? (pp. 84 88: phoneme - it is a unit of sound in speech. A phoneme doesn"t have any inherent meaning by itself, but when you put phonemes together, they can make words: morpheme - it is a linguistic unit of meaning. It belongs to the language system not the individual: connotation meaning is private, often emotionally charged. What is that? (p. 92 and google) (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/action_assembly_theory: action assembly theory was developed by john greene and it says that it is a communication theory that emphasizes psychological and social influences on human action. They believed that a person is deeply affected by the structure of their language.