ISB 202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Carbon Sequestration, Thermal Expansion, Chlorofluorocarbon

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ISB 202 Full Course Notes
ISB 202 Full Course Notes
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Greenhouse gas: cfcs- chlorofluorocarbon an organic compound that contains carbon, chlorine, and fluorine, produced as a volatile derivative of methane and ethane. A common subclass is the hydro chlorofluorocarbons: (hcfcs) which contain hydrogen. Already occurring, predicted by global climate models, intensified global weather. Patterns, oceanic changes, receding alpine glaciers, great lakes ice coverage decline, rise in sea level, thermal expansion, sea level changes, mass migration, Thermal expansion warmer water takes up more room than colder water, which makes sea levels go up. Cause global cooling, carbon sequestration, reduce ghg emissions. Respect for basic rights and recognition of basic responsibilities. Maximizing the use of people"s abilities while minimizing the use of natural resources. Ability of the natural environment to meet humanity"s needs indefinitely without going into a decline from human-caused stresses. 2 primary factors driving climate: moisture, temperature. Positive feedback loop when a flow leads to compartment changes that further enhance the flow.