PSY 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fundamental Attribution Error, Stanley Milgram, Dispositional Attribution

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15 Dec 2015

Document Summary

Social thinking: how we think in relation to other people. When we go too far in assuming that a persons behavior is caused by their personality. The foot in the door phenomenon: tendency to be more like to agree with larger group than smaller. Cognitive dissonance: stress from holding two contradictory beliefs, actions not in harmony with our attitudes. We try to solve dissonance by changing our attitudes to fit our actions. Conformity: adjusting your behavior to fit a group standard. Social loafing: tendency of people in group to show less effort when not individually accountable. Deindividuation: in a large group of people, you just go along with it because you feel like your identity is lost. Group polarization: when talking to people with similar view in a group, your ideas may become stronger. Groupthink: go along with majority idea, even if you don"t agree.