HST 2020 Study Guide - Final Guide: Seed Drill, Atlantic Revolutions, Industrial Revolution

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The most important military leader in the struggle for independence in south. Born in venezuela, he led military forces there and in colombia, ecuador, Believed that the us government was to relax with their rule. Style of rule: mix of george washington and napoleon. Led revolts for argentina and worked with bolivar to free peru from spanish rule. A series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods. Started during the early 18th century, when england"s population grew. Industrial revolution in england focused on agriculture and textiles first metal that was huge in the industrial revolution (1st wave) Iron metal that was big with in (2nd wave) Flying shuttle- least productive spinning jenny- increasing productivity water frame- very productive. 1st stage of industrial revolution connects of capital good and investment became popular. Technology enable the widespread use of iron second stage of industrialization.