PSYC 1113 Study Guide - Final Guide: Déjà Vu, Encoding Specificity Principle, Echoic Memory

51 views7 pages
7 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 6: memory: encoding storage retrieval, 3 types of encoding processes. Semantic encoding process of relating new info in a meaningful way to knowledge that is already stored in memory. Visual imagery encoding the process of storing new info by converting it into mental pictures. Organizational encoding the process of categorizing info according to the relationships among a series of items: 3 divisions of storage focus on how long memory will stay for each one. Sensory storage type of storage that holds sensory information for a few seconds or less. Short term storage (working memory) holds non-sensory info for more than a few seconds, but less than a minute. Long term storage a type of storage that holds info for hours, days, weeks, years. Rehearsal: mentally repeating information to keep information in short term memory. Chunking: combining small pieces of information into larger clusters/ chunks: 2 types of amnesia. Anterograde: inability to transfer new info from stm into ltm.