TCH 201- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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More than one way to address children"s preferences. Aural (auditory-musical: prefer sound and music. Verbal (linguistic: prefer words-speech & writing. Physical (kinesthetic: using body, hands and touch. Experiential learning theory: 2 levels: four stage cycle of learning, four separate learning styles. Four stage cycle: concrete experience (new experience is encountered, reflective observation (of new experience; similarities in the past, abstract conceptualization (reflection gives rise to a new idea, active experimentation (learner applies to world around them) Four stages of effective learning: having a concrete experience (feeling, observation & reflection (watching, analysis & conclusion (thinking, applying in future (doing) Social justice: (cid:862)fairness and (cid:862)equality(cid:863) for all people and respect for their basic human rights. Just because you are a respectful person, doesn"t mean you will get respect back. People value social justice: how many people actually contemplate it, actions may not always agree with our values.