BB H 130- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 54 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Overweight: definition, having excess amount of body weight, may come from lots of sources. Obesity: definition, having excess stored fat (adipose) leading to adverse health consequences, approximately thirty pounds above healthy weight, disease, per american medical association. Bmi (body mass index) (weight in kg)/(height in m)2: example: > 20. 0: medical condition resulting from lack of insulin or the inability of insulin to work properly (pancreas, multiple symptoms, serious long-term health consequences. Diabetes types: t1dm, t2dm, gestational, pregnancy, prediabetes. Association with obesity no: 80 90% of people with t2dm are obese. State comparison: >20% in every state, adult population, prevalence: pa. Obesity: ethnicity: asian, least likely prevalence, black, most likely, more women are diagnosed with obesity than men, gender matters too. Dm: gender & ethnicity: american indian, highest prevalence, asian lowest. Dm: age: higher prevalence as you age, older people highest prevalence. Increase in body fat increase in morbidity increase in mortality. Increase in body fat over healthy amount.