KINES 360 Study Guide - Substantia Nigra, Receptive Field, Endoplasmic Reticulum

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27 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Glia outnumber neurons in the brain, yet neurons are the predominant focus of neuroscience textbooks. Show the afferent and efferent neurons, and the interneuron (local circuit neuron). page12. Stimuli from environment convey information to processing circuits within the brain and spinal cord, which in turn interpret their significance and send signals to peripheral effectors that move the body and adjust the working of its internal organs. Label the axes and each phase of the action potential. Describe the key events that underlie each phase: rising phase, overshoot phase, falling phase, undershoot phase. Suppose a water-filled aquarium is divided into two compartments by a membrane that is impermeable to all ions. Negative due to the high relative k+ permeability, and high internal concentration of k+. What is meant by the statement, ion channels and ion pumps have complementary functions . Ion channels open and allow ion movement in an energetically favorable direction (for instance, na+ moves in).