MGMT 301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ginni Rometty, Louis V. Gerstner Jr., Zappos

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21 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Management final exam study guide chapters 9, 10, 14, 16. 2, and 17. Managers must: develop culture, encourage innovation, manage change. System of shared beliefs/values guiding behavior (internal). Ex: the way we do things around here . Set of signals of what is considered appropriate vs. inappropriate (external). Cultural fit has high impact on people leaving their jobs. What does a company say about themselves vs. what we can see about this company: culture is personal, organizational, corporate, global, personal culture: Ex: each celebrity has their own culture, but they share similarities in the culture of fame . Ron jon doesn"t fit in with celebrity culture. I don"t care if your skills are the best, you don"t match the culture our customers expect : organizational culture: Organizational culture helps to set values, shape attitudes, reinforce beliefs, direct behavior, and establish performance expectations and the motivation to fulfill them. Ginni rometty ceo of ibm and major sponsor of.