04:189:101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Communication, Paralanguage, Headache

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04:189:101 Full Course Notes
04:189:101 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Communication vs communications: communication: refers to the study of communication, what we study, what it entails, the process, communications: refers to the tools in which we use to communicate. Communication is a very convoluted field with many parameters making it hard to define. I would not say there is a universally accepted definition as it can be approached from many angles. Some definitions that stuck out to nick were information being passed from one place to another , There are two branches of the communication discipline national and international. There is a difference between the term communication and communications. Communication: refers to the study of communication, what we study, what it entails, and the process of communication. Communications: is used to refer to as the tools in which we use to communicate. Some examples of communications are social media platforms, phones, and the internet. Although these two words are used interchangeably they do not mean the same thing.