01:830:340 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder

58 views1 pages
12 Feb 2018

Document Summary

A hoarding disorder is a form obsessive compulsive disorder in which those afflicted find it difficult to through away any trash or other possessions, even if they have little too no value. In order for this to be considered hoarding disorder, daily life must be impaired. Exposure with response prevention is a treatment for obsessive compulsive disorders in which exposed to a stimulus that usually elicits a maladaptive response in order to prevent the unfavorable response from happening again. Post traumatic stress disorder in which those afflicted are triggered by traumatic stimuli that cause hyperarousal and reactivity, intrusive re-experiencing of traumatic events, negative changes in mood and thoughts, and avoidance of the stimuli related to the traumatic events. These symptoms must occur for a month or longer. Pstd and the treatment through exposure with response prevention are related as exposure with response prevention seems like a valid course of treatment for the disorder.