[01:830:346] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (23 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Be familiar with and be able to explain the following: Contributions of: john lock, letta hollingsworth- debunking lot of negative ideas about woman that men were considered intellectually superior to women. Worked with mental retardation kids: dorothea dix- reformer, crusader of asylum, humane treatments in asylum, benjamin rush. Moral insanity- no intellectual disability but emotional deficiency. Biological mode- organic disease model- decreased mental function due to a medical or physical disease not a psychiatric reason. Sigmund freud and the psychoanalytic theory- father of psychodynamic thought, Use of free association (make a chain of associations from a word suggested by therapist, pattern in person"s thought: psychoanalytic theory- ego (balances out id and superego), id (sexual, aggression desires. No matter the consequences), superego (rules and restrictions that society and parents teaches you). theory focused on patient"s past. John watson and the rise of behaviorism- flip side of freud, reinforcement and punishment for development. Psychology as a purely objective experimental branch of natural science.