01:830:463 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tegmentum, Reward System, Disulfiram

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Be able to explain several reasons why women may have a different bac than men. Women have higher proportion of fatty tissue then men. Have a rough knowledge of how alcohol is produced. Be able to explain the processes that lead to alcohol withdrawal seizures, particularly with regard to gaba and glutamate. Please make sure you have upregulation and downregulation in the right spot ie, you should know specifically what is happening to levels of each of these nt. End up with general excitatory response( seizures) Also, be able to explain how at least one other nt system/pathway is impacted by alcohol. dopamine reward system in the ventral tegmental area, the dopamine reqward circutry is activated because alcohol is reinforcing this. Be able to describe type i and type ii alcoholics (3 traits for each, maybe relative to each other). Type 1: started drinking after 18 to 21. Be able to discuss the etiology and symptoms of wernicke-korsakoff syndrome.