10:832:302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Equal Pay Act Of 1963, Family And Medical Leave Act Of 1993, Temporary Assistance For Needy Families

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Lecture 8 gender issues i: family and. Workplace issues = equal pay and minimum wage. Deciding on whether or not to have kids. People who decide not to have kids also have rights. Women with larger families benefit from family friendly work policies: more women having children. Cannot fire a woman due to pregnancy: Only for companies with more than 15 employees. Only offer disability benefits to pregnant women if offered to other employees. Unpaid leave and job security (men and women) Has to be at least similar job, but not the same job. 12 week leave care for child / parent / spouse. Most return to work after pregnancy for economic. Federal level: require employers to accommodate like they. Article the world is getting better at paid. Us = o(cid:374)ly e(cid:272)o(cid:374)o(cid:373)y that does(cid:374)"t (cid:373)a(cid:374)date fede(cid:396)al paid lea(cid:448)e. In us women must choose between job and raising a family. Lack of paid leave disproportionately impacts women with lower ses.