SOC 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Auguste Comte, Institutional Racism, Masculinity

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15 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Gender roles: society"s concept of how men and women are expected to act and how they should behave (based on norms, or standards, created by society) Culture: ritual-based activities to develop/ act out gender roles. Hegemonic masculinity: reinforces subordination of women in society, men are treated with elevated importance; legitimizes men"s dominant position in society. Patriarchy: male-dominated society in which cultural beliefs and values give higher prestige and value to men than to women. Minorities can not be racist, they can only discriminate and be prejudice to others. Stereotypes: overgeneralized beliefs that a certain trait, behavior, or attitude characterizes all members of some identi able group. Af rmative action: designed to seek out members of minority groups for positions from which they had previously been excluded, thereby seeking to overcome institutional racism. Strati cation: ranking system for groups of people that perpetuates unequal rewards and life chances in society. Structural functionalism: society=machine ; different parts valued differently.