NSD 225 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dietary Supplement, Genetically Modified Food, Organic Food

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Four organizations involved in food safety and responsibilities. Food and drug administration (fda) (investigates food products and their ingredientsfood labels, etc) Department of agriculture (usda) (regulates meat products, checks for contamination of meat and poultry. Environmental protection agency (epa) (establishes the types and levels of pesticides that may be used in foods: fisheries- inspect fish and fish products. Four of the seven commandments of food safety. Wash hands in warm and soapy water before preparing food. Do not serve meat or poultry on the same platter you used to prepare it. Avoid recipes that call for raw or lightly-cooked eggs. Biotechnologically created rice that has enhanced vitamin a, significantly reduces blindness. drought resistant. Advantages: can be used to cure disease and create vaccines. Disadvantages: will weeds become pesticide resistant? will people get allergic reactions? testing can contaminate other fields of crop by way of wind. Additives: not usually consumed as foods but are added to foods intentionally or unintentionally.