PSY 205 Study Guide - Final Guide: Reinforcement, Synesthesia, Behaviorism

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PSY 205 Full Course Notes
PSY 205 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Final exam study guide: chapters 1-4, 6,7,10-12,14 & 15. Major figures in psychology and their basic contributions. Freud- explain personality, motivation, and mental disorders focusing on. Structuralism- analyze consciousness into basic parts. Professional specialties in psychology and the main differences between them. Psychology- study of human behavior and mental processing. Psychiatry- branch of medicine concerned with psychological disturbances. Humanism- unique qualities of human and personal worth. Cognitive psychology- mental processing involved in acquiring knowledge. Evolutionary psychology- language, memory, perception as adaptation. Areas of emphasis/schools of thought within psychology: Independent variable vs. dependent variable (be able to identify them if given an example) Independent- a variable whose variation does not depend on that of another. Dependent- a variable whose variation does depend on that of another. Research methods in psychology (you should understand the basic components & the pros/cons of each method) Cons-- doubts in applicability, can"t be used for some question.