PSY 315 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hydrolysis, Biorhythm, Semipermeable Membrane

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Exams independent (* = explicitly mentioned to be on exam) Who uses drugs: reindeer, llamas, goats, robins, people, coffee discovered by goats, cocaine (coca leaves) was discovered by llamas. Where did people start: the americas 15,000 b. c. mushrooms (first use apparently, alcohol 10,000 b. c, first record of opium 4,000 b. c, asia, cannabis use 2,000 b. c. Who uses drugs: cont: odysseus- greek mythology, moly herb, rome: dioscorides, oldest book of herbals, medieval europe witches. Discovery of morphine: f. serturner 1803 isolating morphine, first alkaloid chemist, gave it to dog killed dog, gave it to friends went to sleep, god of sleep morpheus morphine. J. j. moreau de tours1804 - 84: french psychiatrist, first true psychopharmacologist make dawamesc (hasish, dawamesc (1845) -drug-(hashish, club de hashischins meeting in , hotel pimodan (lauzun, alexander dumont wrote the 3 musketeers". Lsd: albert hofmann (1938: albert dies at 102, tried every hallucinogenic he could get his hands on.