PSY 393 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Learning Theory, Operant Conditioning Chamber, Radical Behaviorism

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9 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Radical behaviorism: skinner: proposed an influential theory of behavior based on principles of reinforcement, behavior as the data for scientific study: skinner argued that scientific progress in psychology requires abandoning mentalism (explains behavior in terms of mental states). External variables are convenient for science because the researcher can manipulate them so their status as causes of behavior is definite. But if the dominant response does not bring about drive reduction, there is a learning dilemma: learning dilemma: a situation in which the existing responses are not rewarded. If a new response occurs and is rewarded, it becomes more likely: learning by imitation: dollard and miller suggested imitation in an attempt to phrase the psychoanalytic concept of identification in terms of their learning theory. Their analysis distinguished three specific processes: to emit the same behavior as the person being imitated, necessary not only for the behavior to be the same but for the controlling cues to be the same.