COMM 308 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nonprobability Sampling, Statistical Inference, Snowball Sampling

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Chapter 6 summarizing research results: data reduction and descriptive statistics. Know the difference between measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion and be able to identify in examples: central tendency: describe the central features of a data set rather than it outlaying values. Mean, median and mode: measures of dispersion: describe the central features of a data rather than its outlying values. Minimum, maximum, range, interquartile range, variance, and standard deviation. Understand the role of data reduction and frequencies: data reduction: present data in summary form. We need all three measures because any one of them may be misleading: mean: is often called the average value, mode: is the most frequent value, median: is the midrange value. Know the measures of dispersion, what they tell us, and be able to identify them in examples: the range and variability of scores are described by measures of dispersion.