HEFB 325 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: National Institutes Of Health, Reinforcement, Heterosexism

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Hlth 334-599 (cid:149) chapter one (cid:149) why study women"s health: 20:59: many general health texts focus tend to relay information from studies based primarily on the male standard, text dedicated to women"s health: Not meant to down play the health of men. It is meant to serve as a forum through which a presentation of issues regarding women"s health can be understood and viewed as important and significant in and of themselves. Emphasis on health promotion: health promotion: includes the idea that health is something to be nurtured and by doing so we can prevent the onset of much illness and disease. Three types of health action are: proactive care: designing and living a lifestyle that reduces the risks of illness and also improves one"s current health status. (holistic. Health)- considers the interactions of the mind, body, and spirit: one are cannot be affected without the other areas also being affected. (greatest emphasis in health promotion is placed.