KINE 318 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Orbitofrontal Cortex, Operant Conditioning Chamber, Stim

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A pigeon in a skinner box periodically receives acess to food after pecking on a key. Sometimes the pigeon has to peck 3-4 times, sometimes5. Pigeon was on a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement. You expect that he: from which receptor subtype must mg++ be removed fo ltp to occur, nmda, a rat in a skinner box receives a food pellet every 5th time it pushes the response lever. This is an example of: fixed ratio. Integrating positive and negative consequences/contingency over multiple trials: w/o it wont know consequences of your behavior, shaping depends on which of the following, the variability of behavior, no! Delivering the reinforer only for responses that exceed any previous response: no! Continured reinforcement of early response forms: no! 16. the cats in thorndike"s puzzle box were able to escape more quickly over successive trials. This rat was on a ___ schedule of reinforcement.