PSYC 107 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Behaviorism, Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning

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Psyholocgy 107 chapter 6. 2 exam / test prep notes. You scan the night sky looking for meteors. Sometimes there is a brief time period between meteors, but sometimes you have to wait for a long time after seeing a meteor until another one appears. This is an example of which type of schedule of reinforcement. The main difference between classical and operant conditioning is that in operant conditioning. The animals behavior controls the outcome ( including reinforcers) You have learned to buy a brand of potato chips, which are always fresh, and to avoid hoe brand which are usually stale. A rat learns to climbs a ladder to a platform where it can pull a string to raise the ladder and then climb the ladder again. The reinforcement for each response is the opportunity to perform the next response. To find a simple behavioristic explanation of learning.