PSYC 210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hiv, Genital Herpes, Human Papillomavirus Infection

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There are about 19. 7 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections in the united states every year. One in two americans will have at least one sti sometime in their life. The behavior is merely the mode of transmission for bacteria, viruses, and/or parasites that must be present for the infections to be transmitted. These causative agents are nondiscriminating anyone having sex with an infected partner can get a sexually transmitted infection. The three most common stis (in the united states) caused by bacteria are gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis. In the early stages of gonorrhea and chlamydia, most women and many men show no symptoms. If they are not treated, the bacteria that cause these two stis can invade the upper reproductive tract and cause prostatitis and epididymitis in men and pelvic inflammatory disease (pid) in women. Syphilis passes through several stages, and if left untreated can cause organ damage and death.