PSYC 305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Storage Record, Dan Ariely, Headache

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What is willpower: how people deal with problems in self-regulation, ex) when facing temptation. What is the difference between brute self-control and planned self-control: brute self-control: success gained by a deliberate, effortful exercise of willpower, brute willpower: weakens with use; staring down temptation; using willpower against temptation. ^^so instead use: planned self-control: more effective; avoids self-control fatigue. What does this mean? (self-regulation is a skill. Two important elements of skill are knowledge and practice. You must know what to do, then practice doing it. : ability to do something well developed through knowledge and practice, being skilled implies that you can do an action when the task varies. What are the important elements of a skill: must acquire knowledge, you must practice the skill over and over, skill becomes so well practiced that it is automatic. Three ways we explain behavior: the environment causes behavior, events outside the person, such as luck, fate, other people, or the situation.