PSYC 305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Little Albert Experiment, Classical Conditioning, Reinforcement

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4 constructs: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment. Exam 2 review: strong emotional reactions, less predictable behavior, aggression, does not directly teach you what to do. Reinforcement schedules: continuous reinforcement, reinforcing each instance of the behavior, results in rapid learning, but low resistance to extinction. Intermittent reinforcement: reinforcing some, but not all, instances of the behavior, results in less rapid learning, but higher resistance to extinction, many maladaptive behaviors result from being intermittently reinforced, making them especially challenging to change. Antecedents: stimuli that immediately precede the target behavior, the cues that evoke a particular action are called (cid:498)discriminative stimuli(cid:499, behavior, thoughts, self-statements, feelings, something becomes a cue to a behavior when the behavior is reinforced in. The presence of the stimuli and not reinforced in the absence of the stimuli. Pavlov: neutral signal whistle, dog salivates, present dog food. Exam 2 review: gets paired, later whistle (only) becomes a trigger dog salivates, becomes involuntary and automatic.