PSYC 307 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Gender Role, Relational Aggression, Social Comparison Theory

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Peer rejection: origins and effects on children"s development. Friendship and friendship quality in middle childhood: links w peer group. Acceptance and feelings of loneliness and social dissatisfaction. 78% of ha had at least 1 friend. La kids were less likely to have a bf. Development during adolescence: the impact of stage-environment fit on young. Article: entity: ability is fixed attributions performance in school, entity or incremental social-cognitive framework the nature, how much they have children have ideas about abilities. Developmental change in children"s assessment of intellectual competence. If over praised for an easy task child will assume they have low ability and being compensated for it. Inc in intensity in elementary school: actually friendships are fairly segregated still. Maccoby: argues it may be a mistake to look for differences among indiv simply as a function of sex, argues that differences btw sexes become more apparent when people are in both-sex groups.