POL 230 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Versilia, Backfired, Pearl Harbor

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6 Nov 2017

Document Summary

+ hierarchy: (vertical relations) between states and subjects. + horizontal relations: (sovereignty) among or between states. Imperial system: one dominant empire, not defined by boundaries. >realists say: you can"t solve these issues because there is no governing body that can handle state mediation because each state is primary. >liberals say: you can solve these issues with eu, world bank etc. Treaty of westphalia: ended the 30 years war. States now have certain rights and authority over subjects (namely, which church is followed) Constructivists: more skeptical of the role of states, believe it"s dependant on the actors within. Actor: principal actor is the idea that state goals tend to be determined by security. Primordial problems (been around forever): minor states that have alliances w/ big states get dragged into wars they don"t want bc/ of the treaty. Ir: the study of patterns of conflict & cooperation among states. Emphasis on causal relationships (x) war ---> (y) states.