PMY 302 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Morphine, Depressant, Fenfluramine

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Document Summary

Drug addiction, definition of drug addiction, chronic relapsing disease, characteristics: Compulsion to seek and take the drug. Emergence of a negative emotional state when access to the drug is prevented (tolerance: process. Persistent changes in the brain"s structure & function. Novelty seeking addictive drug euphoria, positive reinforcement (5-20%)neuroadaptations deregulation of reward pathway negative reinforcement loss of control craving: da hypothesis of drug addiction, definition: any addictive drug may act through da system and increase da, two pathways. Directly bind to da transporter and blocks da uptake. Nicotine, morphine/heroin, alcohol and barbiturate don"t work on da neurons but through the network: mechanism. Vta (ventral tegmental area) projects da to other area and mediate drug reward: da receptors. Couple to gi/o: molecular basis of addiction, tolerance. Pharmacodynamics: adaptations of the neuronal elements that respond to drugs initially (key contributor: sensitization. Repeatedly administration of the same drug bigger effect: dependence. Dynorphins kappa: opiates and da.