BSCI 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Luteinizing Hormone, Menstrual Cycle, Ovulation

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Overview of systems - overall function of these different systems. Integumentary: skin, protection, physical barrier separating self from environment. Skeletal o support, protection, and movement of the body and it"s organs. The skeletal system is regulated through negative feedback. There are several types of cells responsible for this regulation. Produce movement, maintain posture and body position, stabilize joints, and generate heat as they contract. Sensory input: transmits signals from external and internal environment through nerves to the brain: motor output: send signals to motor nerves that tell body parts to do things o. Endocrine: glands secrete hormones to control reproduction, growth and development, energy balance/metabolism, water balance, calcium homeostasis, and stress response. Be familiar with how different systems you"ve learned about this semester overlap with each other. Think of as many connections as you can between each pair of systems covered. For some, there might only be one, for others there might be two or three.