BSCI 223 Final: BSCI223 Final Review

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Commensal bacteria (live on a surface) becomes opportunistic pathogens. Pnotobic animals- have no germs, c section, and kept away from everything: need for higher food intake and less obese because they do not absorb that much and can"t do anything with it. The bacteria will break it down for us to use and therefore we can get fat, but when they don"t break it down, we cant get fat. Classical pathway- need antibodies: complement is a protein- c3b, complement and antibodies can activate a whole new cascade with proteins, one starts with c3, innate is there and so is adaptive immunity synergism between the two. Alternative pathways: just uses layer two (no antibodies) Complements cause: opsonization- just being there on the surface, makes the c3 and then produce c5, which causes inflammation. There is a c3 receptor and recognizes it and allow phagocytes to bind.