COMM 107 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Silent Majority, Ingroups And Outgroups, Groupthink

56 views7 pages
9 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Listeners can recall only about a quarter of what they hear: attention. Working memory: access long-term memory to retrieve and store stimuli while paying attention to a speakers message. Role of concentration/motivation: can listen faster than we can talk. Paraphrasing can help better attend to a message: perception. Perceptual filter: strains the stimuli you receive to separate what makes sense from what doesn"t so that you can organize and interpret the message. Includes: background, culture, roles you play (ex. child, student, parent, beliefs, mental and physical states, attitudes/values. No one ever shares the exact meaning of a message: assignment of meaning. Schema: scripts for processing information, created by culture, background, family, education and experience, ex. Understanding a discussion of some of the customs and traditions on a college campus may be difficult for first-year students because they do not have the cognitive schema to relate to the information.