ECON 451 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Condorcet Method

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Yes-no voting systems : when voters either choose yes or no and group decision is yes or no. Coalition = voter or group of voters. Winning = voter or group of voters that have enough votes to pass. Minimal winning = voter or group of voters that have enough votes to pass and, if any voter was taken out of the coalition, it would no longer pass. Losing = group of voters that do not have enough votes to pass. Shapley-shubik index of power (ssi) : measures how much power each voter has. Ex: n = {a, b, c} has 6 permutations: abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba. First, find the permutations of the voters (every possible order voters could be in) Then, for each permutation, find the pivotal voter. Pivotal voter = voter that changes the coalition from losing to winning (voter that gives you enough votes to win)