KNES 400 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Autism Spectrum, Health Belief Model, Need Theory

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Help us to interpret or understand a situation or problem: some are more general frameworks (better view from a distance, can help us to predict events or a situation. Need theory to help make sense of things. Examples of theoretical frameworks: embodiment, socioecological model, health belief model, planned behavior model. Why people are likely or not likely to do stuff for their health. 6 main constructs: perceived susceptibility, persevered severity, perceived benefits, perceived barrier, cue to action, self-efficacy (later added) remember: health motivation is the central focus on why people seek things to help health. Behavioral intention is viewed as most immediate determinant of behavior. 6 main constructions with behavioral intension, which is the focus of theory of planned behavior. Habitus reflects wehre and how we grow up reflects the froms of capital we have access to. Explains patterns in how people think, act, behave.