GSC 111- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 74 pages long!)

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Species- a particular kind of organism self -replication. Morphology, biochemistry, behavior, genetics goes into defining a species. Insects (highest), animals, plants, fungi, protozoa, algae, bacteria/virus. Taxonomy- the discovery, description and classification of different species (everything is microscopic, should be a huge group) Taxonomy part of the science of systematics. Determine evolutionary history and relationships of organisms (phylogeny) Revise taxonomic classifications to reflect the phylogeny. Monophyletic cross (clade)- contains all ancestor and all of 1st descendents. Polyphentic groups- do not include the most recent common ancestor (avoid) Morphology- shared anatomical structure (skeletal and soft tissue) Dna- stable, easy to analyze sequences of bases (tagc) Barcoding - short dna sequences (1000-2000 bases) in select informative genes. *1st human genome took 13 yrs to complete. Methane producing- unique to archaea (wetlands, animal guts) as a result of metabolism. Metabolic diversity- allows them to inhabit unique environments. Metabolism- the totality of an organisms chemical processes. Ingestive (animal-like)- protozoans with skeletons (zooflagellate, amoeba, paramecium)