KIN 202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Body Fat Percentage, Vitamin, Hyperglycemia

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28 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Water aerobics, fat floats so you don"t have to work as hard. When you"re at a level of homeostasis i. e. ph not changing, oxygen adequate etc. ) As sugar in the body is used, the brain relies on sugar as fuel so your brain won"t let you work as hard. When muscles have less sugar in them they get weaker, won"t contract as fast. What happens when sugar is stored into the muscle? (glucose storage) When the body"s glycogen goes down in the liver and muscle. Voluntarily fatiguing, if you took an electrical stimulus you would keep going. When your discomfort with exercise exceeds your desire to continue. Seeing your friends around cheering for you can boost you back up. Also listening to music to distract you from the pain. Carbohydrate, putting a raising or potato in mouth and not digesting it. 500 gm, 90-95gm liver, 400 muscle, 5 in blood. Muscle glycogen is only used for muscle contraction.